Welcome to Sapphire Institute of Nursing Sciences
Nursing is an integral part of medical care system. It is art of caring sick people with the science of health care and believed to be one of the noblest jobs in the world. At the initial level, nurses are required for the bedside care of patients. At the senior level they are required to manage special group of people like psychiatric, pediatric, intensive care patients etc which required specialized skills. Besides these they are also involved in dispensing medication, keeping records of the patient's progress, setting up and operating medical equipment, administration and several other routine works.
Sapphire Institute of Nursing Sciences was established in the year 2017 and the college has successfully completed 5 years of its existence. It is preparing graduate and diploma nurses with advanced theoretical knowledge based on scientific, modern, evidence-based practical skills to meet today's challenges of modern health care systems. The college also focuses on the all round development of the students so that they can be raised personally as well as professionally.
The college has excellent infrastructure which is built under the norms of Indian Nurses Council.